illus!ons arkivet

“Kæmpe ros til holdet. Fantastisk ide, sprudlende program, og det leverer noget byen ikke har haft før, og helt klart har manglet. Så kæmpe ros, og kudos til projektet herfra.”
– Lasse Schuleit (Kultur- og eventchef)


“Steen Pegani tar denne helgen tryllekongresser til et nytt nivå med både å ha intern fagfestival, men også invitere hele Horsens by til Magisk uke med Illusions.”
– Geir Eikenes (norsk tryllegæst)

“Det var nogle fede dage. SÅ godt gået. Kæmpe respekt og stor taknemmelig for at bringe iLLUS!ONS til Horsens”
– Malene Koops Grønborg (PR-ansvarlig, Horsens Kommune)

“What a weekend you created! It was so well put together. The whole event really felt so personable, intimate and rewarding. Your choice of artists worked so good as an ensemble. The weekend really felt like it all hung together. I’m crossing my fingers for a return invite… ;-)”
– Frodo (artist)


“What a magical weekend we had in Horsens, Denmark! It was packed with fantastic shows, magic performances in the streets, and interesting and inspiring lectures – and even a talkshow about magic. All in all, this was the best magic convention I’ve attended in many, many years. A big thank you to Steen Pegani and his staff for the hundreds of hours they’ve spent planning the convention, curating the shows, and making all this possible!”
– Jarle Leirpoll (tryllegæst)